Our sweet boy, Cole, was such a late talker. I was worried about him NEVER talking, everyone kept saying "he will talk and he won't ever stop"....well guess what everyone YOU'RE RIGHT!
Tonight, we were eating dinner and Cody asked Cole where Moose was. Cole said he was in Cole's room. So, Cody asked if he was playing with his toys. Cole replies, "No! moosey has no hands, dada!" A few more minutes after almost spitting out our food Cody and I were talking about this Huge project that he is quoting and I was asking him what would be the first thing he would do if it sold. Cody said he would run naked all the way back to the pig barns. Cole's reply: "Thats not a good idea"
A few nights ago our friend was going on a first date and so Cody and I were talking about "Kim's hot date" Well, of course at dinner and for many lunch prayers to follow Cole has insisted we pray for Kim on her hot date. I was getting curious how it was going and joked to Cody that we needed to go eat where Kim and her hot date were. Cole starts whining and saying," No, I don't wanna go, My not wanna be hot!"
These things are way funnier when he actually says them but you get the idea. He is a chatterbox and always seems to have something to say....I think he gets that from me:) Yikes!