Saturday, April 11, 2009

I almost forgot my password to blog its been so long....

Well, I have to make this fast Cole just woke up from a nap. Cole has been sick for like 2 weeks with a few days of health in the middle. He started out with some sort of the flu or something of the likes, and then was healthy for about 5 days and now has a cold and he has lots of drainage which means gagging and puking when he coughs which is super special, nothing is better than catching puke in your hands in order to keep the floor clean and nothing beats having to strip not only your kid down but yourself as well to jump in the shower. This has been a rough few weeks for me, and I am sure for Cole as well. He ends up in our bed in the middle of the night because I am way too tired to rock him back to sleep and we have rarely left the house. My wonderful mom and sister kept Cole for me today while Cody was helping someone finish their garage and I had the luxury of sitting by myself at barnes and Noble and walking around the mall BY MYSELF. I feel recharged and ready to be friendly again. So, I better get going and get him out of bed.