Saturday, April 3, 2010

Cole's version of David and Goliath

It was beautiful outside yesterday so Cole was playing in the sandbox and I was sitting by him in a chair. Cole found a hard clump of sand which he called a rock, thank goodness it wasn't really a rock. Cole stand up and walks to me and says, "my need to throw this rock like my bible" I kept asking him "why he throws rock at his bible?" It took a few times to understand that was he was really trying say, and that was, "My need to throw this rock at your head like 'Dabid' and Goliath, Goliath fall down." So apparently he IS listening to the bible stories that he is hearing but I don't think he realizes that Goliath DIES. Lucky for me, I was choosen to be Goliath.

1 comment:

Jewel said...

Ha ha ha, too funny!