Thursday, March 4, 2010

Next thing you know he will be off to college.....

He has had this obsession with stuff on his head...
Once again....

Hmm... I wonder how he burned his hand.....
This is "organic" mud straight from the booty.... You know whe you child is in there room with the door shut and you get a feeling that you should check on them.... DON'T ignore that warning sign or this may be you... He was so proud of himself for piling poo on his choo choos and making a "mud" covered track! Seriously, how can you be mad I mean it is ABSSOLUTELYdisgusting but he entertained himself for quite awhile before he got caught.

Family Picture! (with Cole accessorizing us with Pull Ups)

We went bowling with Cody's family this past weekend. Here is my little bowling man....Look how big and so so handsome he looks!

The shoes with his little stylish jeans just makes me smile.

My sweet little nephew, Parker.

He was just hanging out waiting for like 20 mins for the ball to finally make it to the pins:)

Daddy helped him try it "big kid" style.

Im So Blessed! I love my boys, poop and all!


Then There Were ....FIVE said...

Have I said before that I don't know if I could handle a boy... lol. I can't even imagine what his hands looked like. I think I could puke thinking about it! Love all the pictures. Did Cole have fun bowling? Moose was a trooper with the panties on his head!! :):) LOVE YOU!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my word - the poop on the trains is so funny! I can't imagine having to clean that up, and you have such a good attitude about it!! You're such a good mommy Ash!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Ash - was the recipe list through email one that Darcy did?? Kels emailed me that. I've tried 2things on it so far and Jordan loved them!! YAY! I'll send you my email through facebook, in case you run across any other recipes you care to share:)


Erin said...

I am soooo glad I have not been faced with a poop train. Even though Jaxon would crack up if I showed him, I'm afraid it would give him the idea, and he would do it. That is so funny though!!! Funny for you, but not if it was me. :)How's your stalking been going lately? Ha, I crack up every time I think about us laughing about "that" blog. Have a great day!!

Steph Bloom said...

Pretty sure I'd FIND a way to be mad!!! SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICKKKKKKKKKKKK!

Linz said...

Thanks for the laughs! ALl those pics are hilarious!! Ah the life of boys!;) gotta love it!